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Thursday, June 17, 2010

The pacific

After the violent and beautiful story of Band of Brothers, S.Spielberg hits with another great mini-serie with the Pacific. For those who tells themselves, WTF is Band of brothers ? WTF the Pacific ?

Band of Brothers :

Europe, WW II. The story fallows the easy company, a company of parachutist. It begins with the invasion of Normandy by the Allies forces and finishes with the invasion of the Eagle's Nest.

I'm not going to speak a long time about Band of Brothers because it's not the main subject of the post, BUT, for my impressions, this mini-serie of 10 episodes is a good description of the war in the European conflit AND also a good movie of action, blood, war, violence, violence and more violence ;). The actors are really engaging. It's not because we're talking about war that they aren't any humour ! Some dialogue made me loose my breath !

Main drawback, the mini-serie is too much. It is played with american, and you can feel it, if you see what I mean. It is sometime a bit too much like : "Look at me. I'm american, I'm the best of the world!". Of course, it is really hyperbolic and the story showes well the emotions and the toughts of the soldiers like sorrow, solitude, their fears, etc

Talking about emotions, this is a very good transition to........

The Pacific :

The words that come to me in mind when I think of this(also) mini-serie is WOUA. It was really a slap in the face ! And I can still feel it ! Now, my vision of the war in videogames, and in general, has completly change ! Imagine then how strong was the slap !
The question then is why ?

Why ?

Let's start with the beggining and with the story.
This time, we fallow Marines, in the pacific fight with the japanese. It begins with Guadalcanal and finishes with the fight of Okinawa. You fallow different soldiers but they are all Marines and in charge of the mortar.

The first time I saw the trailer, I expected a good war serie. But it is really more than that. Spielberg managed to make an incredibly emotional and intense description of the war. The actors offers us an unbelievable psycologic picture of the soldiers.
Finished the time when it was like :" We are american, we are superheroes."
No. Now it is way more deep, more simple. Now it's like : " We are humans "

Wait for the ninth episode and you'll see what I'm talking about....

After the emotional side, the true war side. (because emotion is cool but not too much, ok? I don't want to see a Twilight-like movie ;)
Oh yeah buddy. You want war ? Well you have it ! The true one, with blood and open stomach where you can see all the inside being eaten by huge rats while other guys are being savagely behead.... ( Not for pussies ;) You can see the second world war's best awful fights man. And you better like awful things ! Oh yeah, trust me. Well, if you watch it, you'll be fix in the second episode ( the first is when they enlist themselves).
So, if you're afraid that there isn't enough violence, don't worry ! Isn't that cool ?

All those points I developt are ameliorate with an excellent playing of the actors who really fit in their character. And also with Spielberg and Hanks behind the camera.

That was all I wanted to say. Here is the trailer, in order to make yourself an idea.

Hope you enjoyed the post and that you will watch both The pacific and Band of Brothers . See ya!

P.S: I'm f***** proud of myself. My longer post *snif* ;)

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