Please visit Koreus. Koreus posts represent at least 60% Of my blog !

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Duck hunt

Remember when you used to play this old funny game where you had to shoot ducks. Well, after years of investigation, and thanks to college humour, we manage to shoot incredible pictures of the background of the game. We can see how the ducks prepare themselves before the game.
Anyway, it is something that is good to know. It could help you somedays ;). Here you go. Enjoy !

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ghost Buster !!!!!

Do you know the american serie Ghost Buster ? Do you remember the first scene of the serie in the New York library ?
And do you know the pizza's from domino pizza's ? :D..........sorry

Well anyway, I've found a video with people who improvised this famous scene today. Please feel free to visit there website Enjoy !

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stop cigarette

Ok, my friend on already made the same post with cigarettes in stop motion, BUT,I think I can also make it in order for people who smoke to see it again and again. World might not be perfect, but at least we must fight to try to make it better.

And for a little extra, because my blog is getting too serious and I hate it, here is a little video of what drugs can do. You can enjoy this one at least ;)

Saturday, May 8, 2010


You know my passion for the martial arts. Well, I found a video that will make your vision of the cows way more different. Now, beware the meadow and start practicing in order to do the same. Enjoy !

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Because beer has changed the world

Today, I'm going to show you that beer can change the face of the world. It has already done it. Don't be surprised and admit it! Shamely, I don't know if it is true.
Well, of course not for the beer but I don't know if the dates are correct. Anyway, enjoy watching and don't drink too much beer, it's bad for you and for the others.

The Peace sign

The Lighter Phenomenon
