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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fable III (videogame)

It's been a long time without videogames so I decided to repair this mistake.
I will talk about Fable III. I have myself Fable II, I finished it, and I loved it. I thing that in the third game, the gameplay will be the same than in the overones whitch mean that you make different choices,pure(killing bandits, rescuing,...) or evil(murdering,...), and they will have consequences all along the game. In the III, you seem to be a king or a queen(how knows, girls can play too;) and you can decide to be a good or a cruel one.
Here is a little teaser

I think I will buy it so I might do another post when I will have finished it. Just wait and see !

Sunday, September 27, 2009

News from Iraq (stupid video and photo)

First an interview :

Geek, they are everywhere, even in Iraq :

Now you know why we didn't won faster :

No comments :

Kung Fu figthing (stupid video)

Another stupid video with an ultra,giga,super move of the death who kills. Enjoy!

Usain Bolt, feel the difference (stupid video)

This guy is amazing. Who can he do all of this... just amazing

Yeah, I know, it's fake,... although...

More sports (stupid video)

This is how we do biathlon. Very dangerous sport, indeed. Just watch ^^

So cute (stupid photo)

Come on, this cat is so cute. He makes me think of the cat in Shrek.

But this is their real thinking. I caught you, you little ****** of *****

This is how you will finish gniark gniark gniark

Nike (stupid photo)

Yeah, a little advert for a sport brand :

I love baseball ;)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My hero

Yes, he's my hero, Barack Obama. He's cool, maybe even better than Chuck Norris(i don't know if this is possible), his idea are brillant,... what can I say else, there are so much things to tell about this great person. My dream is to meet him one day. ( it's a dream) Come on, I can't understand the ones who say he shouldn't be president. This kind of guys shouldn't exist.
And don't forget : yes, we can. (very original I know)

The hero of the day (stupid video)

In the USA, they have a major problem. Sausages for hot dogs are sold in packet of 8 and bread for hot dogs are sold in packet of 10. So a man decide to call both company and try to solved this problem out. Just watch

One Piece (manga)

This manga is the one who looks like Fairy tail(it can be in two different ways).
Just watch the video,you'll make a better idea than if it's me who explain. But I can say it's great, funny and it's a shonen ^^

SPECIAL NEW (stupid photo)


Sorry, a bit disguting, I admit it °°' but it was too strong for me to pass next to it.

CHUCK NORRIS is back (stupid photos and video)

Yeah !!!!! Chuck is back.

Children read this blog so excuse if Chuck Norris is represented has Mario because in real life they would have had to much blood. By the way, Chuck often gives blood but never his ^^

Beware this video is forbidden for under 18 ^^(just kidding)

Ahah the finger in the nose. He's too strong. It seems easy for him.

I know he's dead but.... (stupid photo)

Everyone knows Michael Jackson and his......

Yeah, I admit it, I'm one of his fans. I love his songs but the newest ones are really bad.
The thing I like that he does is the moonwalk. This is awesome. It's so hard to do it.

Yeah, I know, like this it's looks easy. But it only looks. Come on, give it a try at home(if you dare). ^^

More and more and more stupid photos (stupid photo)

Ah, the crisis.....

I love sales ^^

Youpi, Harry Potter ;)

Letters from Iwo Jima (movie)

I watch this film about 3 months ago, and I think it's a good movie. It's emotional without being too sad. M. Eastwood made you understand that it's not because Japan made war that all the japanese are bad guys.The music makes you live the movie. Really if you can watch it, don't hesitate, it's really good. Well, beware there are some moments a bit disgusting.

Just watch the trailer and make you an idea (don't worry, the film can be english dubbed)

Tracks (stupid photo)

MOUAHAH LOL. Hope it will help you ^^

Chuck Norris (stupid photo)

Did you know about CHUCK NORRIS ? This guy is a monster. I've been told that if god hadn't be seen for 2 thousand years, it's because he owes him money. Now you know who is CHUCK NORRIS

(stupid photo, from nioutaik)

Everybody like Beyoncé (stupid video)

When I say everybody, it's everybody. He's so funny. Japanese would have said kawaï, so I say it's kawaï ( proud with the little of japanese he knows ;)

Little hello, Assassin's creed II also ( videogame )

Hi everyone, it's me again.
I hope you're the picture of health because in my case I have a flu. ATCHAAAAAAA ( **** my book)

Anyway i'm still in with a new info from CBS (naaa just kidding ;) I will talk about ASSASSIN'S CREED II

And here I cut your face, and here I punch your stomach. This guy is SO cool. It's just crazy what he can do. (well, you in fact because your the one playing)
Only probleme, you must wait until the 19 November to be able to buy it :( NOOOOO it's torture. UBISOFT (little advert on the way ;) , you can't do this to us !!!

So here was the news, hope you enjoyed it(and hope you will enjoy the game)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Abdul Yves Akim Fly (stupid video)

Excellent ! It's fabulous . ^^ (i know it's REALLY a stupid video but I warn you ;)

Fairy Tail (manga)

This is a great manga which I recommand you to read. It's a bit like One Piece and it has the same humour but it still has it's own quality.
Read it !!

Troopers (stupid video)

MOUAHAHAHA LOL maybe a bit weird ...

Avatar (movie )

there is the beast !!!!! TADAAAA. It's just awesome !!

My Life

Hi folks, welcome on my new blog.

I'm in 10th grade in Pierre d'Ailly secondary school.
I was born on the 7 February 1994 so if you want you can send me presents, it's ok ;). For my futur job and don't really know ; maybe a doctor or a system administrateur. These are simply ideas and I still have to think about it. I'm also a great fan of Japan. I love pyjamas(sounds weird but I am who I am) and I'm a little greedy. I tast everything! But if I could, I would eat crips all day long; crips, falvor barbecue(oh mama, it's soooooooo good)
Our English teacher asked us to make a blog and make it personnal. So I will talk about what comes threw my mind.But I warn you, it will be mostly about manga, computer,cinema or stupid videos ^^. So if you like this kind of subject, this blog is for you. That's all for the boring stuff (well for he moment because i'm afraid they might have so obligated post to send so just wait and see)

For my first speech, I will talk about a movie you will be able to watch on December. I name : " Avatar". I watch the trailer and I think this film will be a monster with all the special effects and all that stuff. I'm looking forward to watch it. What about you ? Will you go and see it ? Leave comments!